“Give to God the things that are God’s”. In an election year like this, where there is much at stake as to the direction of our nation, we are reminded through our scripture readings about where our ultimate allegiance is to be given, despite the common human temptation throughout history to serve the nation and it’s economy first. All of our decisions about “politics” (the way we decide to live together on the planet), are to be grounded in what we know about God’s intention and hope for humanity, and the realization that God’s call supersedes whatever call a nation might try to have on us.
Welcome to worship this Sunday Oct. 11! We gather our hearts and offer our lives to God through this recorded worship service that is trying to honor our church family practices of a familiar and comforting liturgy in our sacred space at 2500 Soquel Avenue. Please set aside some time on the Lord’s day and Remember the Sabbath and Keep It Holy, as the Third Commandment says. Find some bread and “fruit of the vine” so you can receive a means and reminder of God’s grace to strengthen and sustain you in these weary days.
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells a parable to the religious leaders who are plotting his death, revealing that their plans will, ironically, bring about the fulfillment of scripture. As this is also the commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi, Pastor Jim leads the video participants in a blessing of their animals. (Matthew 21:33-46)
1. You’ll see the words: “A download should start automatically in a few seconds.”
2. Then launch the Zoom program by clicking where it says “Click Here” or “Click Zoom,” depending on your browser.
3. You’ll see a window asking: “Do you want to run this file?” Click “Run. You may also see “Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer?” Click Yes
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7. Very important: Make certain that the microphone in the lower left corner of the video windows has a red line through it to mute your microphone.
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