Third Sunday of Easter – April 18, 2021

Edited Version

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

We participate in worship on the 3rd Sunday of Easter on April 18 at 10 am in the church parking lot. Holy Communion will be offered. You may participate through the livestream offered here.  If you can’t make it at 10am, the recording of this worship service will be available by 5pm on Sunday evening.

Print off the attached bulletin and Celebrate, so you are ready to sing & pray with your faith community!

Beginning this Sunday a designated “Fellowship Area” will be offered to encourage us to stay after the service and catch up, meet someone new and just be a little social! So plan to stay a little longer with your mask on and join Pastor Jim as we try to move back into some of our familiar practices that make up our church. Unfortunately, no refreshments will be served yet.

Also, if you are able to come early on the days we have outdoor worship at 10am, we can always use help setting up. Come anywhere between 9am and 9:30am.  

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Second Sunday of Easter – April 11, 2021

We participate in worship on the 2nd Sunday of Easter with Lutheran Christians from around the Western part of our country!

This will be a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the many musical and diverse gifts that the ELCA churches in our region are offering to God in the communities in which they are ministering.

Print off the attached bulletin and be ready to sing and pray with thousands of others as you follow the recording. There will be no Holy Communion this Sunday.

Next Sunday April 18 at 10am, we will offer an outdoor/livestream worship service with Holy Communion.

The Lessons are included in the bulletin above.
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Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday worship will be at 10am in the church parking lot!

Please bring some flowers to adorn the Easter Cross which we will place near our street sign after the service.

This service was livestreamed here and the recorded version is linked above.

Please find the bulletin and Celebrate attached.

This will truly be a resurrection/new life experience for our Church Administrator, Leslie, who will be attending church for the first time since the accident that nearly took her life. We look forward to celebrating her return to health and the good news that she is healing so well that she is now able to walk for the first time in the 9 weeks since she was struck in the crosswalk by a Ford F250. Thanks be to God for this Easter moment in the life of our church. Thanks be to God for all of your prayers, love, support, food, gifts, flowers and understanding. You have truly been the Body of Christ to our family in our time of need!

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jim

Good Friday – April 2, 2021

Dear Followers of Jesus,

Please make sure that you have a cross with you for this service. I encourage you to hold it throughout, or be able to hold it at the end for the closing ritual.

On Good Friday we remember that God loved us so much that God gives God’s Life for all on a cross through an innocent and blameless One- Jesus Christ.

It is part of what I spoke of in the Maundy Thursday worship service about experiencing a “Beautiful Sorrow”.  This is when a powerful emotion that God has created us to have, leads to something even more profound and meaningful than whatever has caused the sorrow. It is beautiful that God loves us that much and continues to hope for all the good that God intended as our Creator, but is sorrowful that God has to go through such suffering in order to help us live more abundantly and justly.

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Maundy Thursday – April 1, 2021

Please join your hearts and spirits together in this beginning of the “Three Days” worship service on Maundy Thursday. This service derives its name from the Latin word “Maundatum” which means “Commandment”, and celebrates Jesus’ giving of a New Commandment – That we love one another as God has loved us.

The service has been recorded and will be available any time on Thursday April 1st here.

Please have some bread and fruit of the vine available for Holy Communion, which acknowledges Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples.

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