Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost – September 27, 2020
Important Update:
Hello everyone, Jim and Leslie are out of town this week and our videographer is recovering from an illness.
So this Sunday we will be holding our service live on Zoom
(a recording will be made available later in the week).
You can join us live to hear a faith message from our guest pastor Rev. Carol Been, inspiring music, and share Holy Communion.
Make sure that you have some kind of bread and wine/juice ready with you so you can participate.
Here’s your invitation to St Stephen’s Online Service of the Word
Sunday, September 27th, at 10 AM (Pacific Time).
The service will use the online video application Zoom. (Instructions below.)
If you haven’t used zoom before, make sure you begin the following process about 10 minutes before the service begins:
First click this invitation link:
1. You’ll see the words: “A download should start automatically in a few seconds.”
2. Then launch the Zoom program by clicking where it says “Click Here” or “Click Zoom,” depending on your browser.
3. You’ll see a window asking: “Do you want to run this file?” Click “Run. You may also see “Do you want the following program to make changes to this computer?” Click Yes
4. A progress bar will show as it installs.
5. Enter Your Name when requested, and click “Join Meeting.”
6. Click “Join with Computer Audio”
7. Very important: Make certain that the microphone in the lower left corner of the video windows has a red line through it to mute your microphone.
Feel free to invite others this Sunday.
If you’re having trouble connecting to our services through video on your computer, you can connect with us by using any telephone.
Zoom Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 816 5730 0786
Dial by your location
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
You can also find your local number:
The Service will also be available on St Stephen’s website later in the week.
Pastor Carol Been
Cell: 831-239-1254Email:

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