Message from Bishop Mark Holmerud
If I were to create a “Word Cloud” for the feelings I am having these days following the murder of George Floyd, there wouldn’t be a lot of “cheery” words in it: Shocked. Saddened. Angry. Heartsick. Fearful. Inadequate. Unprepared. Grieving. Frustrated. Disbelieving. Wondering. Weary.
And really, what it comes right down to is this — none of my feelings matter. Not one damn bit. Not now. Because what matters is Black lives. Black Lives Matter. Black lives that are being taken by murder at the hands of the police. Black lives that are being disregarded through judicial, legal, economic, voting and social policies that seek to minimize the voices and needs of people of color in this country in order to perpetuate white privilege. Black lives that are in danger every day because white supremacy, of which white people are a part through having benefited from a system that empowers and enables them at the expense of others, is alive and well in this country. Black lives that are threatened by personal and systemic racism, which permeates every part of society in this country. From local police departments and schools and courts, to the highest governmental offices of the land – racist polices and laws exist to perpetuate white supremacy. What really matters at this time are the feelings and voices of Black People who are speaking out. These are the voices of people who are spilling out onto our streets crying for justice. Crying for justice even when the police are acting more like warriors than guardians. Crying for justice in the face of tear gas and blinding rubber bullets and horses and Billy Clubs. Are we listening?
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